Sunday, September 21, 2008

Journal #4

I wish to compare more interesting places like San Fransisco and Universal Studio but I've been there almost 5~6 years ago. i don't remember well.
So I am going to compare Santa Monica and Beverly Hills city. Santa Monica and Beverly Hills are similar in many ways. Many people want to live in there. Santa Monica has beautiful beach and Beverly Hills has luxury stores and expensive cars. I’ve ever been two places before this semester. The weather was really nice and cool in Santa Monica. Beach and All houses beside beach are my ideal places. Beverly Hills was also nice place. There was lot of tourists from another countries. The luxury stores and cars one of the gorgeous things. I heard that sometimes we can see celebrities if we lucky. Because many of them live in Beverly Hills. There are really expensive houses in Santa Monica and Beverly Hills. Most expensive houses cost millions dollars. I hope I could live in there!

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